Antietam Journal, Vol. 2, Spring 2022. Sharon A. Murray, "Davis’s 'Valiant Coup': Breaking the Union Cavalry out of Harpers Ferry", Map #1


Type - map

Battlefield Map

Title - caption or label given by the creator

Antietam Journal, Vol. 2, Spring 2022. Sharon A. Murray, "Davis’s 'Valiant Coup': Breaking the Union Cavalry out of Harpers Ferry", Map #1

Creator - cartographer/artist

Holley, Aaron M.

Date Created

Jan. 2022

Spatial Coverage - the place depicted (geographical location)

Antietam Battlefield


Antietam Institute, Sharpsburg, Maryland

Rights - a statement of any use restrictions or ownership

This item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use it in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). We make the item available with specific permission of the copyright holder. You are responsible for your own use.

Source - owner or repository of original or digital image

Historical Research Center, Antietam Institute

Description - notes, provenance, or other information about the map

- Map depicting U.S. Cavalry route from Harpers Ferry to Greencastle and nearby Confederate columns, 14-15 Sept. 1862.
- Historic elevation digitization sourced from USGS. Hydrography, boundaries, elevation, and roads data sourced from USGS with alterations by the cartographer. Roads and landmark digitization data from OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetMap Foundation.
- This map is georeferenced and can be utilized in smartphone GPS apps.

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