The life of Rev. Daniel A. Ridout, late member of the Baltimore Annual Conference, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church / by his son, D. Archie Ridout ; with an introduction by A.W. Wayman


Type - ex: book, article, monograph, essay
Title - full title of the published work
The life of Rev. Daniel A. Ridout, late member of the Baltimore Annual Conference, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church /
by his son, D. Archie Ridout ; with an introduction by A.W. Wayman
Creator - the author
Ridout, D. Archie
Subject - ex: regimental history, personal memoir, battle narrative
Abstract - a brief summary of the content of the text
Biography of Rev. Daniel A. Ridout
Date Available - date published
Publisher - company, organization, or printer
J. Miller Thomas,
Wilmington, Del.
Rights - a statement of ownership or usage restrictions
This item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States because copyright has expired, but we have not determined its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. You are responsible for your own use.
Source - holder or donor of the original document
Emory University
Digital copy at HathiTrust
Temporal Coverage - time period covered in the text
Spatial Coverage - place(s) or area covered in the text
Western Maryland
Description - notes, provenance, or other information about the text
The Ridout family lived on South Moutain near Crampton's Gap and witnessed the fighting that occurred there on September 14, 1862. Archie Ridout’s account vividly reveals a family living through a terrible time, including the distinctively African American aspects of their experience.
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