12th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
"Though the History bears the name of Col. Cook it was written by Private James Beale, Co. I."--Catalogue of the library of ... John Page Nicholson ... relating to the war of the rebellion (p. 163)
Captain Charles Russell Lowell
(1835 - 1864)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: Harvard, Class of 1854
Command Billet: Staff Officer
Branch of Service: Cavalry
Unit: Army of the Potomac
On the Campaign-At Antietam he carried orders to and was in action with Sedgwick's Division of the Second Corps in the disastrous combat in the West Woods on 17 September. " ...Meeting a portion of Sedgwick's division broken and retreating under the heavy fire, he threw his whole powers to rally it ... His horse was shot twice, his scabbard cut in two, and the overcoat on the saddle spoiled by a piercing bullet, but he came out unhurt."
Brigadier General Randolph Barnes Marcy
(1812 - 1887)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1832;Class Rank: 29th
Command Billet: Inspector General, AOP
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: Army of the Potomac
On the Campaign-He served as Gen McClellan's Chief of Staff.
Brigadier General George Henry Gordon
(1823 - 1886)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1846
Command Billet: Brigade Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, XII Corps
On the Campaign-He continued in command of the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Division/Twelfth (XII) Corps until he relieved the wounded BGen Crawford in command of the Division.
Major Charles Swain Lovell
(1811 - 1871)
Home State: Massachusetts
Command Billet: Brigade Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, V Corps
On the Campaign-He was in command of the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the V Corps, largely in reserve on September 17.
Colonel David Allen Russell
(1820 - 1864)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1845
Command Billet: Commanding Regiment
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 7th Massachusetts Infantry
On the Campaign-He commanded the regiment in Maryland.
Brigadier General Charles P. Devens Jr.
(1820 - 1891)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: Harvard, Harvard Law, Class of 1838
Command Billet: Brigade Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 1st Brigade, 1st Division, IV Corps
On the Campaign-He was in command of the 1st Brigade of the First Division/Fourth (IV) Corps (attached to VI Corps). The Division was not in the battle on the 17th but was marching between Sharpsburg and Harpers Ferry looking for Confederates
Major General Darius Nash Couch
(1822 - 1897)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1846;Class Rank: 13/59
Command Billet: Division Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 1st Division, IV Corps
On the Campaign-In command of the 1st Division/Fourth (IV) Corps but was on something of a wild goose chase toward and back from Harpers Ferry all day on September 17th. His division was not engaged at Antietam.
Lieutenant Colonel Nelson Appleton Miles
(1839 - 1925)
Home State: Massachusetts
Command Billet: Commanding Regiment
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 61st New York Infantry
On the Campaign-He led the consolidated 61st and 64th NY Regiments, part of the 1st Brigade/First Division of Richardson's Second (II) Corps, after Col Barlow was wounded on Piper's Farm on the afternoon of the 17th.
Major General Edwin Vose Sumner "Bull"
(1797 - 1863)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: Milton (MA) Academy
Command Billet: Corps Commander
Branch of Service: Cavalry
Unit: Second (II) Army Corps
On the Campaign-Commanded the Federal Second (II) Army Corps
Major General Edwin Vose Sumner "Bull"
(1797 - 1863)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: Milton (MA) Academy
Command Billet: Corps Commander
Branch of Service: Cavalry
Unit: Second (II) Army Corps
On the Campaign-Commanded the Federal Second (II) Army Corps
Major Jacob Parker Gould
(1830 - 1864)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: Norwich University, Class of 1849
Command Billet: Commanding Regiment
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 13th Massachusetts Infantry
On the Campaign-He was in command of the 13th on the Maryland Campaign.
Major Elisha Burbank
(c. 1810 - 1862)
Home State: Massachusetts
Command Billet: Commanding Regiment
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 12th Massachusetts Infantry
On the Campaign-He was in command of the Regiment on the Maryland Campaign following the death of Colonel Webster at 2nd Bull Run in August. He was mortally wounded in action while leading the Regiment near the Cornfield on the morning of 17 September.
Major General Joseph Hooker
"Fighting Joe"
(1814 - 1879)
Home State: Massachusetts
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1837;Class Rank: 29th
Command Billet: Army Corps Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: First (I) Army Corps
On the Campaign-He was in command of the the Federal First (I) Army Corps and was wounded slightly on the 17th in the morning combat near the Cornfield. He was succeeded in command of the Corps by Brig. General Meade of his Third Division.